Os autores do mais conhecido livro sobre as levadas da Madeira opõem-se terminantemente à construção de um teleférico no Rabaçal.
Reproduzo o e-mail que me enviaram:
Dear João Carvalho Fernandes
Many thanks for alerting us to this. Unfortunately, we could not open the main pages (from the government), but did see one blog which SHOWED A PICTURE OF A HORRID CONCRETE BUILDING for a cable car (the blog which said why don't they build a via rapida, so people could get there more quickly). It looked as if it could have been on the Paul da Serra. SO IS IT ALREADY BUILT?
Yes, you could certainly add our names to the list of people against this idea. We like some of the cable cars in Madeira, so are not against well-designed cable cars in well-concealed buildings. What is wrong here is that the destination of the cable car is not a beach with some space or a faja where it helps people unload goods, but a totally INTIMATE, tiny place, which is already overcrowded - just with walkers.
What would happen to the maintenance of the levada paths with all those people? And who will profit - will they open a restaurant at Rabacal?!
I looked to see if Raimundo Quintal had anything to say about it, but cannot find anything. We have NO influence with the government of Madeira, but certainly HE HAS. So of course he will join your protest?
We are away for a month now. If you have any further news, please do send it in November.
Good luck - but it looks like it is already a fait accompli.
Pat and John Underwood
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