terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2008


Conforme vos tinha dito, ia voltar a este assunto...

Reproduzo o e-mail que enviei a Pat e John Underwood autores de alguns dos mais antigos e prestigiados guias sobre levadas na Madeira:

To John and Pat Underwood

Subject: Cable car in Rabaçal - Madeira


I´m writing you to let you know what a foolish vice-president of the Madeira government plans to do in Rabaçal:

He wants a cable car with capacity for 240 people/hour to take the visitors from Paul da Serra to Casas do Rabaçal and near the Levadas 25 Fontes and Risco.

You can see here:

http://vp.gov-madeira.pt/pdf/boletim/VP10_net.pdf pages 8 to 11

We think a cable car is going to spoil completely the Levadas and we are opposed to this construction. So we are writing to the autorities voicing our concerns. As lovers of Madeira island, we ask you to take also position about this matter.

Some texts:






Hopping your intervention and apologizing for my bad English,

João Carvalho Fernandes

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